
If you have been following HIT’s social media pages you will have seen that we now have our very own HIT.® Club page!  Strava is the world’s leading social media platform for athletes, with over 95 million athletes worldwide, so it was only about time we got HIT set up onto this platform as well as another direct means to communicate and connect with all you sporty, active, and adventurous people.   Our intention of this club page is to keep you head trauma aware by subtly, confidently, and surely continuing the head trauma in sport and physical activity conversation. Whether you are a Mountain Biker, Road Cyclist, Mountaineer or Horse Rider, whatever your pursuit, passion and activity is, we want to connect, welcome you to our club page and know all about those routes, tracks, and spaces you are covering.  

It is estimated that 2 million new athletes join Strava every month – so it’s quite literally the place to be, with over 20 billion miles being covered as well as the fact that 9.6 billion kudos were given – emphasizing the positive virtual environment you will find yourself in. Additionally, there have been 189,000 new Strava clubs created this past year, a figure that we here at HIT are very proud to be a part of. Strava reported that in 2021 there has been 20 billion miles covered – how’s that for going the distance – An inspiring community and network to be involved in that is for sure.     If you are already on Strava, or about to create a strava profile then make sure you JOIN our HIT.® page.  

How to join HIT’s Strava Club Page – 4 Simple Clicks:

1 Go to the tab named “Groups” on your Strava profile  

2 Click on the tab named “Clubs”  

3 Explore Clubs – Search “HIT” 

4 Join Club (It is a public profile, so no waiting to get involved).    

See you there! 

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